Do you have Brexit in your boardroom?

It’s currently less than a week before the original Brexit deadline and our MPs have just decided that now is the time for them to vote on their preferred Brexit option. So just about anything could have happened by the time this goes to print – or maybe nothing will have happened at all.     

I’m no political expert but I think it’s clear to everybody that indecision and an inability to reach consensus has been the undoing of the Brexit negotiations so far - and that’s just within our own houses of parliament.  But, after over two years of debate and countless votes, while we all recognise how important the Brexit deal is, at this point many of us just wish our government could agree on anything so that we can move forward. 

It’s a situation that plays out in marketing and PR decision making all the time – albeit with less far-reaching implications. 

Whether you’re planning a rebrand, designing a communication strategy or simply reviewing a blog post, reaching agreement can be really tough if multiple stakeholders with different priorities are involved and indecision can result in a whole load of wasted time and very little progress. 

While I don’t have the magic bullet for Brexit, I’ve found that these two guiding principles come in handy when helping clients make marketing and PR decisions;       

1) You can’t please everyone all the time.

It’s highly unlikely that any group of people are all going to share the exact same thoughts and opinions on anything, so there’s little-to-no chance that anyone involved in a group decision-making process is going to get exactly what they want.  If everyone is willing to make some concessions, then it’s much easier to find a middle ground, so hopefully all your stakeholders will understand the art of – and the necessity for – compromise.   Occasionally though, if a group just can’t reach an agreement then it’s best to either put it to a vote or empower one person to take responsibility for the decision-making process. 

2) Done is better than perfect.

While it’s important to have high standards in any business, there’s a point where striving for perfection can become crippling, draining resources and blocking progress.   While there are some things that need to be honed before they’re shared (like new logos and important news releases) other products can be updated and refined over time (like websites and online campaigns.)  Working to a detailed schedule with defined feedback periods and deadlines can help you avoid endless revision cycles.  


Here’s to better decision making all round.

For decisive marketing and PR support, get in touch now.